As you are no doubt already aware, Remote Schooling will continue until further notice. We believe that it is until the end of term but this may change. Arrangements will remain the same as they are now. Student Learning Pack pick up will be from 2pm to 5pm this Friday, 3rd September, and next Friday, 10th September. If you are unable to come in that time, just let us know. A new Onsite Schooling Intentions form has been emailed to parents/carers.
With this week’s Student Learning Packs every child has been given a mystery gift to give to their dad or special person. Children might like to decorate the bag to tizzy it up a bit. Thanks Sheree (Quick Cuppa) for donating these bags – the timing was perfect! Thank you also to Lauren and the P & F for organising these presents. Given that we can’t go anywhere, it is really helpful to have a readymade gift.
I know this is not an easy time but I would like to remind parents/carers of the importance of maintaining a positive mindset and modelling this for your children. Now, more than ever we need optimistic thinking. I am forever thankful that I live in a rural area and am not confined to an apartment in Melbourne, working remotely and trying to supervise remote schooling with my children.
Please remember that your child’s classroom teacher is there to help you with remote schooling. I want to stress again, that if your child is having difficulties with remote schooling then it is important to talk to your child’s classroom teacher to see what can be put in place for them; they will also want to check in online with your child more frequently.
Keep your spirits up and stay healthy and well. I will be in touch if anything changes