Changes to Duck Cup

After much consideration, we have decided that we will not hold the Duck Cup as a public event this year. This decision has been based on current guidelines for holding a healthy and safe community event from Wellington Shire Council, the Victorian Government and Diocese of Sale Catholic Education Limited (DOSCEL) ; we have deemed it too difficult to achieve full compliance with the resources we have at hand.

However, P & F are not going to cancel the Duck Cup altogether but will hold the Duck Cup race itself as a closed event on the 28th March as scheduled. If possible, we will ‘live stream’ the race and we will invite ‘scrutineers’ from the Heyfield Lions Club to attend to ensure that the race runs according to the rules. All winners of the Duck Cup will be notified as soon as possible.

Thank you everyone for your understanding. If you buy a ticket you may be a ‘lucky duck’.


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